CEPP Designation Online
About CEPP Designation
Hard Copy Course
CEPP Professional Designation
Complete At Your
Own Pace
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Application
Course Registration

CEPP-EPI Mission

Course Outline

Annual Certification

CEPP Background Information

EPI-CEPP Membership Disclaimer

CEPP 101:
Personal Estate Planning
CEPP 102:
Law and the Financial Insurance Advisor
CEPP 103:
Insurance, Annuities and Estate Planning
CEPP 104:
Personal Estate Planning
CEPP 105:
Retirement Income, Gift and Estate Taxation
CEPP 106:
Long Term Care Planning
CEPP 107:
Insurance/Investment Advisors Laws and Ethics
CEPP 108:
Senior Needs Planning
CEPP 109:
Business Continuation Planning
Business Estate Planning
CEPP 110:
Intermediate Estate Planning Strategies
CEPP 200:
Final Exam

24 Hour 1 800 232 6465

9am-5pm Eastern
1 800 326 4179

24 Hrs: 1 800 232 6465

FAX: 703-995-0320
EMAIL: reg@cepp-epi.com

Estate Planning Institute
P.O. Box 669
Luray, VA 22835

OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri 9-5 PM  EST

1 800 326 4179 
 In Virginia - 540 743 6077

Fax Enrollment Forms to: 703 995 0320
24 hr. Credit Card Enrollment:  
800 232 6465

(see enrollment form attached)
Email enrollment form to: enroll@cepp-epi.com
U. S. MAIL: Send check or money order with
Enrollment form to:

EPI - CEPP Enroll
P O Box 669
Luray, VA 22835

Hard copy courses available upon request @ $25.00 ea. additional plus $4.00 S&H.per manual.
CEPP Professional Designation 10 Course, Two Case Studies and
Final Exam Self Study Program

CEPP is especially designed to help you provide proper and essential estate planing services while also marketing, building and protecting your practice and to help avoid E&O Claims which is becoming the fastest Area of Severe Law Suits in America. Perhaps the Best Investment You Can Make for You, Your Family and Your Clients.

10 CEPP Self Study Courses, 2 Case Studies and Final Exam is designed to Complete Within 12 Months or at your own pace. Upon Completion of CEPP 101 —104 the first case study is required before proceeding to CEPP 105. Upon completion of CEPP 105 —109 second Case Study is required before final exam.
Upon receipt of CEPP enrollment acceptance notification from EPI you may register to receive your course materials through the following options:

FAX: 703-995-0320 Use enclosed enrollment form marking noting course(s)
EMAIL: CEPPcoursereg@cepp-epi.com
U.S. MAIL: Send check or money order with course registration to:
CEPP-EPI Registration, P.O. Box 669; Luray, VA 22835

CEPP 101 Personal Estate Planning
Course requires you designing your own basic estate plann, including property ownership, probate, wills, intestacy, trusts, estate and gift taxes, elder law, estate liquidity and the estate planning process, techniques and strategies.
CEPP 102 Law and The Financial/Insurance Advisor
Course involves errors and omissions strategies, protection from lawsuits and legal issues involving the estate planning industry, marketing, elder law and needs analysis.

CEPP 103 Insurance, Annuities and Estate Planning
Course involves the importance of life, health, disability, long term care and property and casualty liability insurance and annuities in the protection of assets and estate planning.
CEPP 104 Multi-Generational
Course involves American demographics, the Senior-World War II, Baby Boomer, and the X Generations, Social Security, Taxation and the importance for total inter-Generational family estate and financial survival planning in the 21st Century. Emphasis on preventive - not crisis and 11th hour estate planning.
Case Study 1 Personal Estate Planning Case
CEPP 105 Retirement Income, Gift and Estate Taxation
Course involves the importance of tax planning, common tax mistakes, taxation of IRA's, annuities and other retirement plans, working after retirement, capital gains taxation, tax credits for seniors, gift tax planning and advanced planning strategies.
CEPP 106 Long Term Care Planning
Course involves the need for long term care, elder law, Medicare, Medicaid, elder law and long term care insurance planning and tax issues affecting long term care.
CEPP 107 Insurance/Investment Advisor Laws and Ethics
Course involves estate planning and trustee ethical standards in the insurance and financial services industry. ( This course may vary upon states)
CEPP 108 Senior Needs Planning
Involves the need for Seniors to plan to protect their assets, retirement planning, wealth accumulation, life insurance and annuities, health care, taxation, elder law and estate planning. ( This course may vary among states).
CEPP 109 Business Continuation Planning
Involves types of business legal entities, sole proprietorships, issues of partnerships and corporations, family business succession, income & estate taxation, insurance solution to business continuation planning, liquidating business and close family business estate planning. (This course may vary among states)
Case Study 2 Business Estate Planning Case
CEPP 110 Intermediate Estate Planning Strategies
Course involves Wealth Accumulation - Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts, Charitable Remainder Trusts and other charitable giving strategies, Family Limited Partnerships, G R A TS, Estate Freeze Techniques and other more advanced estate planning strategies.
CEPP 200 Final Exam
Required for EPI Completion for CEPP Professional Designation.

All Courses And Case Studies Must Be Completed Before Enrolling For Final Written Exam Some CLU, ChFC, CFP courses if taken within 6 months may be transferable upon written request to review course outline and completion certification on a case by case basis.

CEPP courses, fees and other requirements may change at any time without notice.

To maintain Current Status of CEPP Certification, 16 CEPP estate planning continuing education Credits are required annually.

CEPP annual certification and membership fee is $150.00 ( in addition to required CEPP course(s) annually

Annual membership includes legal and E & O updates, Estate Planning Stategies EPI web site listing, and other benefits.